Deeply missed by his loving wife Jean. Beloved father of Ellen Whitbread (Darren), Graham Hutton (Tina), Kim King (Matt), Kathy Schiedel (Jon). Proud and loving grandfather to Thomas and Charlotte Whitbread, Bobby and Claire Hutton, Mac, Owen and Cody King, Maria, Lucy and Baby Schiedel. Brother of Murray Hutton (Gloria). Will be remembered by many nieces and nephews. Predeceased by his father Ken Hutton and mother Dora Hutton.
Bob was a graduate of the Business School at Ryerson Polytechnic Institute. He joined the family business at Hutton Farm Supply in Wellburn and with his parents and his brother, grew the business to one of the most successful farm supply dealerships in the region. Upon selling the family business, Bob assumed the role of Manager, Agromart Service Centers for Eastern Canada. Within the industry, Bob was very well respected and was President of The Fertilizer Institute of Ontario in 1995/96. Bob’s leadership and guidance fostered many positive working relationships among various stakeholders within the agriculture industry in Ontario.
Bob was committed to supporting his church and community through decades of service. His most recent passions involved revitalizing Norton’s Creek in collaboration with Manitoulin Streams and travelling to Cuba in a humanitarian role.
Bob loved fishing, hunting, restoration projects and collecting treasures. Above all; however, the times Bob spent with family, friends and colleagues were the most valued treasures of his life.
Funeral arrangements are not finalized at this time.
Memorial donations may be made to Manitoulin Streams or Sleeping Children Around The World.
Bob was a major contributor to our efforts, a very respected man in our community, and a friend to all who knew him. Our hearts go out to all his family in this time of sadness.
Open House at the Community Centre of the St. Mary’s Pyramid Recreation Centre on Wednesday, June 5, 2013 from 2 – 5 p.m.