It was a pleasant surprise to have a call from the Lively District High School asking for a tour of the Kagawong river showing our restoration efforts as well as a talk on the salmon run which are now in full spawning mode. The students range from grade nine to twelve in this environmental class and were all very excited and enthusiastic to visit Kagawong. Thanks again to this school for including us in on their excursion and a donation to our organization of $50. 00!
A special thank you to the Lake Manitou Area Association (LMAA) for the cheque for $5,000 toward our stream restoration efforts! Last Friday Maria and Sue from Manitoulin Streams led a group of very inquisitive children and their parents in Kagawong. This is a local networking homeschool group that has included our educational tour as part of their environmental learning in a fun, interactive experience. All were very excited to learn of some of the aquatic bugs in the river and experience the salmon spawning along some of our newly restored areas of the stream. Thank you to this group for having us lead this tour and the donation given of $65.00 towards our stream restoration efforts!
Manitoulin Streams has been asked by the MNRF to be a depot station where hunters can drop off their yearling or older deer heads so that they can be tested for Chronic Waste Disease (CWD). CWD is a fatal brain disease of white-tailed deer and has not been found in Ontario but has been found in Western Canada and the States. MNRF is promoting a CWD Surveillance program and are looking for volunteers to drop off samples to have them tested. We are open Mon-Fri 8:30-4:30. Bridal Veil Esso is the second depot on the island. Thanks to everyone that is helping to monitor our deer herds! For more information please see the website
A great Annual General Meeting last Monday Sept. 29, 2016. We took the opportunity to thank Paul Moffatt for all of his contributions over the years toward our stream restoration program. Paul was one of the orginal members that started Manitoulin Streams and we can't possibly count all the volunteer hours he has spent getting us to where we are today. We presented him with a plaque and a beautiful polished fossil from Bill Ceasar. Thank you again Paul!
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October 2022