Come on out to M'Chigeenge on November 2nd to help the Grade 8 students of Lakeview School conduct a community river clean-up.
First day at Norton’s Creek. Finding lots of brook trout. Onto Mindemoya River and West Bay Creek later in the week to work with Lakeview Public School.
Manitoulin Streams and 3 volunteer students showed up on Saturday October 19, 2013 to Nortons creek and planted over 200 trees. White pine and red pines were planted alongside the creek to help enrich this rehabilitated habitat.
Thank you to our volunteers for a job well done! What a great day on Friday, our Providence Bay Shoreline Cleanup was a success! 26 children and several adults tackled the shoreline to clean up. Manitoulin Streams was happy to give a tour of the recently rehabilitation stream at the beach to all who attended.
A big thank you to all our volunteers for their hard work and to Island Foodland and Up Top Shop for their donations to this event. |
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October 2022