Lake Manitou Area Association held it’s annual members meeting on Saturday July 12, 2014. Manitoulin Streams was present to educate on invasive species and stream rehabilitation work completed in the area. Calvin Crispo, Susanne Meert and Eric LaBelle from Manitoulin Streams were welcomed whole heartedly by the group. An information night has now been set for the Streams team to attend next month.
Community Stewardship Liaison, Calvin Crispo is back on Manitoulin Island for the 2014 summer! After a successful 2013 summer, Calvin will be travelling across Manitoulin with Invasive Species Liaison, Eric Labelle. The pair look to inform as many people as possible about invading species. If you have any concern about invading species or would like to book a presentation please call Manitoulin Streams! (705) 859-1653.
Canada Day festivities were a hit in Providence Bay this year. With the rebirth of the Discovery Centre and beach festivities going on for the kids, this day was sure to be earmarked as one of the highlights of the year.
Manitoulin Streams was honored to be present to accompany the stream table display and educate on stream rehabilitation and awareness. Manitoulin Tourism Association (MTA) summer student training session to educate summer students about Manitoulin Streams and the Manitoulin Area Stewardship Council (MASC).
This will allow them to promote our organizations to locals and tourists providing information about the organizations, opportunities for stream side tours, and how to become involved with volunteer stewardship activities |
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October 2022