Educating the Public
One of Manitoulin Stream's four primary goals is "to educate and promote public awareness of the aquatic ecosystems on Manitoulin Island". As such, Manitoulin Streams actively participates in, as well as conducts, various educational events and sessions aimed to educate on what the association is doing on the Island as well as issues concerning the ecosystems on the Island. One of the main partnerships Streams' has is with the Little Current Fish & Game Club (LCFGC), spear-headed by Bill Strain. Each spring an educational event is held at Mr. Strain's property at the mouth of Bass Lake Creek. Various educational sessions are held in cabins along the Bass Lake Creek educating on everything from pre-historic Cephalopod fossils which can be found on the island, to how the LCFGC collects eggs to supply their fish hatchery, as well as micro invertebrates that can be found in the streams on Manitoulin Island. For more information on the various educational events that Streams participates in and organizes, please don't hesitate to contact us.