We still need to fill some spots for our FREE sponsored youth trappers course. If you are between the age 16-20 and have your hunter education course and want to take this 4 day course with instructor George Hagen please let us know ASAP. Call and ask for Jesse at 705-859-1653 for more information.
Chantal and Kim came out from the Living with Lakes Centre to conduct invertebrate assessments along some of our future restoration sites (Smith Bay Creek, Kagawong River, Grimesthorpe Creek and Manitou River). Ian Trudeau came out to Smith Bay Creek to help out with the assessment as well as the landowner Paul from Grimesthorpe Creek and his friendly cows! These assessments will give us baseline information on the health of the stream before restoration work takes place so that we can analyze the improvements over time. Beautiful days to be out on the streams. Thank you to all that participated!
Another beautiful day for a tour, how lucky we are to have extended summer weather. A large group of kids (about 50) and all were engaged and well behaved. A great escape to the island for these Sudburians. Thanks to William Scott for giving a very informative geological talk as well.
This group is making our Kagawong River Salmon tour a yearly trip for the students, recognizing the beautiful river, the work we're continuing to undertake and the salmon run experience. A beautiful day for a tour! This sunny and warm October morning was the perfect weather to take these kids out on a hike in Kagawong. We had 38 kids join for this outing, and needless to say, this was a better option than being inside. Wow, these guys have energy! Good work teachers!
We look forward to seeing many of these kids become future stewards and one day, continue protecting the beautiful streams of Manitoulin Island. A special note to Chocolate Works for opening up for us on their scheduled day off. As always, a trip to Kagawong isn’t complete without their chocolate and coffee. What a great way to end the week before Thanksgiving weekend. Central Manitoulin came out for an educational session along the Providence Bay boardwalk to learn about the salmon spawning, Species At Risk that live along the dunes and then went out to Grimesthorpe Creek to help with riparian restoration. We have installed fencing to restrict the livestock from this important brook trout creek. The students were amazing! Everyone pitched in and the trees were planted in no time! Kudos to everyone that came out!
Pontiac School grade 5-6 and 7-8 and Wiikwemkoong High School students came out
to help with the Community tree plant along Smith Bay Creek. The students worked so hard and did a great job! Thank you to Judith Jones, Wiikwemkoong Land & Resources and Wiikwemkoong Tourism for helping out with the tree plant Chi Miigwech! |
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October 2022