Smith's Bay Creek, Wiikwemkoong
Sites SBC 401, SBC 402, SBC 403, SBC 405 SBC 407, SBC 408
Sites SBC 401, SBC 402, SBC 403, SBC 405 SBC 407, SBC 408
This year we were excited to be working in partnership with Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory along Smith Bay Creek which goes through the heart of their community. An Enhancement Strategy for Smith Bay Creek was established in 2017 identifying sites in need of restoration and in addition, stream assessments were conducted to get baseline information about the streams.
Our goal this year was to; 1) restore 123m x 1.5m =184.5m2 of in-stream habitat using bio-engineering techniques to reduce erosion and prevent sedimentation from occurring over critical spawning habitats. 2) plant 300 native trees & 300 shrubs, 100 milkweed plants to restore 738m2 of riparian habitat to trap and absorb nutrients & rainwater runoff and reduce climate change impacts to stream temperatures. 3) conduct a garbage cleanup over the 4602m2 stream watershed to remove plastics from entering their stream and affecting water quality. 4) remove invasive phragmites at the mouth of the creek to help migrating salmonids with accessibility, protect native species and the aquatic ecosystem. |