Manitoulin Streams had staff from the Vale Living with Lakes Centre at Laurentian University come to the Island in October to conduct invertebrate assessments on sites that we restored to get a snap shot on how they are improving. This is part of our pre and post assessments at our restoration sites. Invertebrate samples will be taken back to the lab and identified as they will be used as indicators of water quality. In addition water samples, flow readings, substrate samples and site information is recorded. We hope that by gathering this information we will be able to track our success and provide information to the Ontario Benthos Biomonitoring Network (OBBN) provincial database and the Freshwater Invertebrate Reference Network of Northern Ontario (FIRNNO) that can be used to track the health of our streams and rivers on Manitoulin Island @Valelivingwithlakescentre @manitoulinstreams @improvewaterquality @LaurentianUniversity @ManitoulinIsland |
Please join us for the FREE 2-day virtual Lake Huron-Georgian Bay summit. This is an opportunity to broaden our networks, share experiences, and identify tools and approaches that will assist all participants in advancing conservation and protection initiatives around the watershed. Manitoulin Streams and many other partners will be sharing their work! For more information on each day and to register, please visit: Lake Huron-Georgian Bay Summit |
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October 2022