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This year we worked on shoreline erosion issues on the Mindemoya River by restoring the shoreline banks by placing root wads and large boulders along the banks. This also narrowed and deepened the water depth to help with fish migration up to prime spawning areas. Several boulder clusters and spawning gravel were placed in the river to enhance fish habitat, and we restored the riparian area by placing coconut coir matting and planting native trees and shrubs on both sides of the river. Thank you to everyone that helped out with the project! Materials: Linear m = 50m Coconut coir mat – 750m2 M2 Aquatic in-stream habitat = 630m2 1050 native trees & shrubs, 1550 m2 seed mix M2 riparian habitat = 800m2 4 boulder clusters 8 armour stones 15 root wads 45 m3 riverstone 20m3 spawning gravel 1 island removal |