M'Chigeeng Creek

A fabulous job completed by Lakeview students, two youth ranger groups and Manitoulin Streams. Large and mid size boulders, spawning gravel and garbage removal was completed the week of Aug 18, 2014.
All work was done by hand and not with the complete cooperation of the weather, but a job well done! This Community now awaits the fall salmon spawning in this rehabilitated habitat. A big thanks to Bob Florean for all his help with this project!
Volunteers for M’Chigeeng Creek: 5hrs x 16 people x $25/hr =$2000
Project work included:
• 3 root wads installed
• 500 linear metres or 2500m2 of in-stream restored/protected
• 13 yards of spawning gravel installed
• 9 yards of large boulders creating weeping weirs, constrictors and stabilizing shoreline banks.
• Removal large log jams removed impeding fish migration
• shoreline cleanup along a 500m stretch of river
All work was done by hand and not with the complete cooperation of the weather, but a job well done! This Community now awaits the fall salmon spawning in this rehabilitated habitat. A big thanks to Bob Florean for all his help with this project!
Volunteers for M’Chigeeng Creek: 5hrs x 16 people x $25/hr =$2000
Project work included:
• 3 root wads installed
• 500 linear metres or 2500m2 of in-stream restored/protected
• 13 yards of spawning gravel installed
• 9 yards of large boulders creating weeping weirs, constrictors and stabilizing shoreline banks.
• Removal large log jams removed impeding fish migration
• shoreline cleanup along a 500m stretch of river