M26 Manitou Stream Restoration
Manitou River is one of the largest and most important streams on Manitoulin Island. It has a watershed area of 171 square kilometers, beginning at Lake Manitou and discharging into Michael’s Bay, Lake Huron. It is an important rearing area for sport fish species like rainbow trout, brown trout and salmon (Coho, Pink, Chinook). Site M26 is 83m long and 9m wide with an eroded outside bend in a sand bank with a clay base. Our project goal was to restore and protect 1500m2 of shoreline habitat and 840m2 of in-stream habitat and reduce nutrients from entering the river from livestock. The following accomplishments were obtained while conducting the stream restoration project:
Laurentian University conducted macro-invertebrate assessments before construction to monitor the state of the aquatic food webs as a measure of ecosystem health. College Boreal conducted some electrofishing assessments to get a snap shot of the fish species that utilize this portion of the river. Data is passed forward to the MNRF (NRVIS) & Freshwater Invertebrate Reference Network of Northern Ontario (FIRNNO) through the Living with Lakes Center. In 3 years, time, post assessments will be conducted to monitor recovery. The following is the in-kind support provided toward the project: Total number of volunteers = 6 Total hrs = 183.50 hrs Machinery costs = $1,386 Materials = $2,530 Total In-kind Support = $7,876 |
The purpose of our stream restoration project is to provide ecological, environmental and social/economic benefits to the Lake Huron basin by engaging our diverse community members through education and contributing toward stream restoration projects that will protect and restore water quality, natural habitats and biodiversity of our Lake Huron tributaries.
The Manitou River Site M26 has been identified as a medium priority site in need of restoration due to immense erosion and lack of riparian vegetation. Thank you to landowners Jen and Jon Graham and their kids Jordan and Joe for helping with prepping their property to complete the work, monarch caterpillar removal, tree planting, fencing, installment of the rock stairs etc. As well as thank you to all of our funders that contributed to our success. #MNRF,#MECP,#AusableBayfieldConservationAuthority,#EchoFoundation,#TehkummahTownship,#LakeManitouAreaAssociation,#OFAHZoneD,#ManitoulinTransport,#McLeanFoundation,#LUSH,#ManitoulinTimberFrames,#Ramakkosourceforadventure |