Lower Mindemoya River Restoration Sites
Use your scroll wheel on your mouse or click the various sections along the left side of the window to tour through each restoration site. As you go through each site, the map on the right will automatically zoom-in on the specific site, showing a more detailed view of the location. At any time you can navigate elsewhere on the map screen using your mouse or the navigation tools, which are located in the top-left corner of the map window. Additionally, windows containing information will pop-up as you scroll from site to site (you can also manually click on a site to activate the informational pop-up window) detailing in-depth numbers about the individual project restoration site.
Use your scroll wheel on your mouse or click the various sections along the left side of the window to tour through each restoration site. As you go through each site, the map on the right will automatically zoom-in on the specific site, showing a more detailed view of the location. At any time you can navigate elsewhere on the map screen using your mouse or the navigation tools, which are located in the top-left corner of the map window. Additionally, windows containing information will pop-up as you scroll from site to site (you can also manually click on a site to activate the informational pop-up window) detailing in-depth numbers about the individual project restoration site.