Grimesthorpe Creek - GS-15
This year's sites included a section of Grimesthorpe Creek, designated as S-15, located in Spring Bay. The site had been diagnosed as a Medium Priority site, with a lack of riparian buffer zone around the stream, problems with bank stability and also the presence of livestock. The decided upon solution was to install fencing around the section of stream which would restrict the livestock access, while providing a livestock ramp in one location for watering access. Within the fenced off area riparian habitat was enhanced with planting of various kinds of trees. The Sudbury District Stewardship Rangers came down to lend a helping hand in planting, together with 5 of the Streams staff, over 500 trees. Additionally the landowner provided in-kind support in the form of boulders, watering of trees and attending project meetings. In total, 14 volunteers participated on this restoration effort for a grand total of 170 volunteered hours. All in all a definite success!
Total accomplishments include:
•276 trees planted through TD Friends of the Environment
•251 trees provided by MASC
•6841m2 of riparian habitat enhanced and protected
• 275 linear meters of stream or 1020m2 of in-stream protected
• 1 boulder cluster installed
• 282 linear meters of page wire fencing installed to restrict livestock from eroding the shoreline and defecating in stream
• 1 livestock ramp installed to provide one location for a water source.
Total accomplishments include:
•276 trees planted through TD Friends of the Environment
•251 trees provided by MASC
•6841m2 of riparian habitat enhanced and protected
• 275 linear meters of stream or 1020m2 of in-stream protected
• 1 boulder cluster installed
• 282 linear meters of page wire fencing installed to restrict livestock from eroding the shoreline and defecating in stream
• 1 livestock ramp installed to provide one location for a water source.