Manitoulin Streams in partnership with the Little Current Fish and Game Club created a spawning pool for migrating salmonids (salmon and trout) at the top of the Bass Lake Creek fish ladder.
The spawning pool is 30ft length x 6ft wide with ¼ inch to 4-inch round gravel or approx.186 cubic feet.
The boulder cluster at the top of the pool will help with higher water velocities in the spring reducing the speed entering the pool. Thank you to everyone involved to complete this project. #ManitoulinStreams, #LittleCurrentFishandGameClub, #Townofnortheasternmanitoulinandtheislands, #Sheguiandah
The spawning pool is 30ft length x 6ft wide with ¼ inch to 4-inch round gravel or approx.186 cubic feet.
The boulder cluster at the top of the pool will help with higher water velocities in the spring reducing the speed entering the pool. Thank you to everyone involved to complete this project. #ManitoulinStreams, #LittleCurrentFishandGameClub, #Townofnortheasternmanitoulinandtheislands, #Sheguiandah